Kertu: Rommyl on oma mull, kus ta elab. Selle sees on palju südamlikkust, palju heatahtlikkust, palju muret, palju rõõmu… seal on tema fantaasiarikkad mõtted, suured lootused ja ootused. Väljaspool seda mulli on Rommy see, kes hoolib, igatseb, armastab – kõike südamega. Rommy naeratab ka siis, kui tal hinges valus on. Jah, suure hingega inimene :)
23.12 – I woke up in the morning, drove to the bus station and went to the country, to spend Christmas with my mother and brother. I got there and my mother greeted me with a big hug, like she usually does, because I don't go there that often. I spent the day just laying around and doing nothing (because there is actually nothing to do in a place where there's no internet) . :D
I was so bored, that I decided to clean out my old drawers full of my old school and other stuff. The coolest thing I found was a small letter we had to write in English class titled: “Me in 10 years!”, that I had written in the 10th grade in 2005.
24.12 – Got up at 11, to get ready to go to the city (my village has about 200 people in it and the city, where I went to school has about 8000 people in it). My mother’s old classmate took us with his car and dropped us off at my mother’s sisters place, so we could wish her and her husband Merry Christmas.
After that we went to the cemetery to light a candle for my grandmother (father’s mother), father and other relatives/moms friends. After that we went to my Godmothers (father sister) place, where we ate a little and just chatted. Since my brother (a 14 year old boy) doesn't really understand Russian that much, then he just spent all the time playing with my phone.
After that we met up with our driver and went to church. Usually (thanks to me) we last in there about a half an hour, but I don't know why, this time I asked them to sit through the entire thing. Mother sister was there, so we greeted her again, after it all was over. She asked me, who the guy is and does he drink. I replied, that my mother told me, that he used to be a real boozehound once upon a time and one day he just said: “Enough!” and hasn't had a drink since. Then he took mom, brother and me to see my grandmother, who usually comes to church every Christmas eve, but for some reason, not this time. She said, that she just didn't feel like it. We wished her Merry Christmas, gave her a hug and went back home. Mother had prepared our usual Christmas dinner, that she heated up and we sat down and ate. Our usual Christmas dinner is blood sausage (I don't like that thing, but out of courtesy I ate one), potatoes, sauerkraut (yumm yumm yumm), wieners and potato salad.
After it had all been eaten, I gave them my presents. Brother got a set of 5 games (I know how he loves computer games) and for my mother I had printed out 2 pictures (on one there's only me and on the second one there's me and her dancing on my birthday party) and a CD which I made for her, that had only Russian music on it (since I hate Estonian music and she doesn't understand English, then Russian is the only way to go with her). She gave me her present the day before – a bottle of liquid soap and (blond) hair color.
The rest of the evening we just sat and watched TV (“Die Hard 2”, because it was on TV and mother LOVES that series).
25.12 – Woke up, ate, packed and 13:46 my bus arrived, to take me back to Tallinn.
26.12 – The whole day was kinda like “blah”. I was sooo not in the mood for a party or anything. In the evening we had our own little Christmas party with friends and even before I went there I knew, that I don't actually want to go there (because I just didn't feel very social), but I didn't want to wake up the next day and regret not being there. So I went and most of the night I sat quietly in my own little corner. Everyone was there. All of our group, Mr L, Timur with his boyfriend Alex and Joosep. We ate, there as a lot of talking and laughing. At one point the evening was sooo fun, that they decided to watch Youtube videos from the hosts HUUUGE TV. At one point Taki had a “genius” idea, to show everyone Katy Perrys song “E.T” special lyrics video, that we usually watch on our meditation nights. If you don't know what you're looking for, then it's not that easy to find it. They asked me for my help and I said: ”No, I'm not gonna help you, because I don't want to see it!”. So I just got dressed and went out for a smoke. The truth is, that I have seen that video many many times, but only ONE time, with Mr L in the same room and I was not going to spoil that memory.
When I was done smoking, I went back to the room and they were STILL looking for that video and right then they just found it. Oh, lucky me! :S Luckily Madis wanted me to hear one song from his phone, so I just jammed the earphones in and held them as deep as I could, I closed my eyes and just listened to the lyrics of the song he wanted me to hear. Pet Shop Boys “Shameless” was the song he wanted me to her. Not bad, I told him. It was a lie, of course. PSB is not my cup of tea, but the chorus was funny, I have to admit.
When came the time to exchange presents, Laura was happily the Santas little helper and forced us to read a little poem or something like that. Since last year I sang (stupid stupid stupid), then this year I didn't want to do anything at all, but she wouldn't take "No" for an answer, so I quickly came up with a rhyme and got my gift. When everyone got something beautiful or something for the memory or something practical, then I got Justin Bieber's autobiography!!! You should've seen my face, it was NOT happy. While everyone got something for the memory, I got mocked, but hey... I can't hold any grudges or something. The present maker thought it was going to be funny (and he has a different sense of humor), it's my fault that I didn't find it to be funny.
When the evening was over, we went home by bus. Tanel escorted me, Taki, Villu and Mr L to the bus station and when the bus came, he went his merry way. I sat in the back by myself and turned on my music, the others stood in the front of the bus. Mr L left first and right in the second stop I got off. I just wanted to walk by myself and listen to music. I thanked the Universe, for it all was over! :)
31.12 – I was planning to clean my room, because for as long as I've known, cleaning on the day before the new year, was a tradition (that my mother always made us follow) and while living in Tallinn, I've always followed it (because I love traditions). But on that day... I sooo did not feel like cleaning and I took a long time to start and finally my co-worker Inna called and said that Santa visited her and said that I was a good boy and left her a present for me, so she came over. We drank coffee, talked a bit and she gave me the present - “Burlesque” DVD! Now THAT is a present! :D
After an hour of talking, she left. I got myself ready and went to Raili's place. My usual group got together at Lauras place and Tanel repeatedly said to me, that it's such a shame that we're not gonna be together on that night. I calmed him down, by saying, that we're gonna see each other a little before midnight. I didn't go, because I didn't feel like it. I was wanted to send the year away quietly and with Raili.
She had to stay home, because she couldn’t find a babysitter. We had a lot of catching up to do, because hadn’t seen each other for a long time, drank a lot of rum, I played with her son (actually he played with me and I was trying not to pay TOO much attention to him, because that three year old boy is a bit TOO active for me) and about half an hour before midnight we went out (Raili, her son and her sister).
We went to Vabaduse väljak, where I was supposed to meet Tanel and others in a specific point.
It was about 5 minutes till midnight and there were A LOT of people there, so Raili told me to RUN! And run I did. I had to push myself through a huge crowd, it was just like a scene from a movie – me pushing myself through loads of people to get to the people I love before midnight.
Once I got to our point, no one was there. I thought they’re still moving, so I kept on going. Once I had reached Raekoja Plats, I still hadn’t seen anyone, so I went back. The fireworks started and even though I LOVE fireworks to death, I didn’t look up once. I didn’t have time to stop and stare. I just shoved myself through the crowd, who were yelling “HAPPY NEW YEAR!” to each other. I didn't care, I just wanted to see my people.
Once I got back to the point where we were supposed to meet, no one was still there. Then I got a call, that they are already in front of X bar, so I ran there.
The first hug of the year 2012 went to Reelika, then her wife Merili and then Ülle. After the girls had been hugged, I saw Tanel – he was my first male hug. :) I wanted him to be the first of them all, but hey – the first male is good to!
I didn’t care, that I didn’t see any fireworks. I was HAPPY! I greeted everyone with a joyful “Happy new year” and a hug. Even Mr L was there and I did that to him too.
Raili called me and asked me where I was. I said, that I’m in front of X-Bar. She started screaming, that what the hell am I doing there, I was supposed to be at that place where I was supposed to meet the others and then she just hung up!
And then came the Champagne...
After what there is a two hour gap in my memory. I remember drinking a lot of that sparkly fabulousness.
I remember: at one point I decided to talk to Mr L about him acting as a jerk on my birthday (the fact that he promised me TWICE he’s gonna show up and 2 hours later sends me an SMS saying “oh, by the way – I can’t make it!”) and I remember telling him calmly many times, that I don’t want any drama, I just have an issue and I want to clear it, so the new year could start better and from a clean slate; I remember throwing up with Tanel’s sad puppy eyes looking at me and the next thing I remember is me walking to the bus station alone, to catch the last bus home (at 3AM). That’s all!
1.12 – Luckily I was smart enough to go to sleep with my window cracked open a bit, so there wouldn’t be a big hangover on that day, because I had to be in front of Saku Suurhall at 12:50. A friend of mine works there as a volunteer and she got a free ticket for me to see the "Cirque Du Soleil - Saltimbanco".
The show was... Okay! There were some moments where I was amazed, but most of it was just okay. May-be it was the hangover that kept me from being blown away.
But when those two came on, it was soooo drooling time! xD
And when those two bitches came on, I was like: "If you're not wearing any wires, then is all this really worth your Life???" I know the first thing the learn is how to fall correctly, but still... Anything can happen, is the show really that important for them?
Overall I was happy to be there and see it. :)
I've been only once to the Circus and that was VERY long time, I must've been like 7 to 10 years then...
In the evening Tanel came to our place and told me that I had been quite rude to one person. I had told one person twice something like this: “Yeah, yeah, I like you, but could you like... Go away?” Oh god I wished they hadn’t told me that. I don’t even remember walking around the block with Tanel, Lord knows what I might have said. And what’s even worse – friends tell me that they saw quite little of me on that night – God knows where I was or what I did or what I said! The others have given me quite good feedback, saying I was VERY cheerful that night.
Gosh, I so want to remember. May-be I had one of the best nights in ages, I just don’t remember it! :S Note to myself: Champagne is EVIL! Before that I was fine...
And what scares me the most – I have no idea what Mr L replied to me!
As soon as I woke up, I wrote him a letter saying that IF I caused any problems, then I’m really sorry, but my intention was just to clarify something that was bothering me in order to start the New Year fresh. That’s all! There was silence for four days and finally he replied: “Happy New Years to you too! As far as I remember all was ok! :)”
We haven’t seen each other since .!
I also came up with my New Year's Resolution: "Laugh a little more, care less about what others think of me and do more things on my own. Not because may-be tomorrow won't come, but because I deserve to Live!" :)
So let's hope, this year will be the best ever! ;)
And now a song that has good lyrics:
Aqua - If The World Didn't Suck (We Would All Fall Off)