Who needs a shrink if you've got PJ .? xD
PJlicious ütleb (15:54):
Mida uut ka...peale lumesaju,kuulnud juba :)
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (15:55):
I was shocked as hell when I woke up today .! :D
Peale uue sissekande pole midagi juhtunud...
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (15:56):
Diileriga suhtlesin täna hommikul natuke msn'is, aga palju rääkida ei saanud, kuna tal oli kiire .! :D
PJlicious ütleb (15:56):
Mm,liuglesin jah l2bi sellest eile telefuuni pealt,see on lihtsalt lahedaim :)
PJlicious ütleb (15:57):
Selge :)
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (15:57):
Kumb oli lahedaim - sissekanne või siis telefoni pealt lugemine .? :D
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:01):
http://demotivators.ru/posters/708595/esli-u-tebya-net-sisek.htm xD
PJlicious ütleb (16:03):
Ma ei ole kindel :D Ei,ei,sissekanne oli ka hea :P
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:03):
Ma tänan .! :)
PJlicious ütleb (16:03):
Alati :)
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:07):
How wierd do you think it is that I still don't have Vitalis number .?
PJlicious ütleb (16:10):
Kaua sa juba suhtled temaga?
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:11):
Esimene nn kohtumine oli minu sünnipäeval, 27ndal, kui saime esimest korda kokku .! :)
PJlicious ütleb (16:15):
Njah siis.Just let it flow as it does and have no.expectations.You tend to cling and pressure people you like,let it flow naturally.
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:16):
That's what I'm trying to do .! :D
Not to overthink everything .! :D
PJlicious ütleb (16:18):
Then stop asking me silly questions Nancy :D
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:19):
No mobiilinumber on ju niii tavaline asi ja kui eile küsisin tema käest seda, siis vastas ta mulle, et on mulle helistanud ju ja ma vastasin, et on küll, aga mitte enda numbrilt vaid lauatelefonilt ja siis hakkas minuga vaidlema, et on ka oma moblalt mulle helistanud, kuigi he has never done that otherwise I'd already have his number .! :D That's the kind of a think that I wouldn't loose so easyly :D
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:20):
I'm trying soooo hard to hold myself back and be a good sport, but this shit is hard .! :D :D :D
PJlicious ütleb (16:24):
And that is why it never lasts,no one wants a clingy whinebag :)
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:25):
This better last, because I'm holding myself back .! :D
I'm TRYING not to look like the think you just said .! :D
PJlicious ütleb (16:26):
But do not be someone you are not as well.
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:28):
That's the hardest part - trying not to be so much "me" while being me .! :D
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:34):
Do You think I'm a good person .?
PS! I don't need a novel .! :D A simple "yes" or "no" will do just fine .! :D
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:35):
Senikaua, kuni sina mõtled, I'm gonna go out into the fucking snow and have a fag .!
PJlicious ütleb (16:39):
Oh yea,because not being yourself is exactly what you want to do with someone you like :D I think none of us are toally good or bad.In yout case you always try to please everyone and be a goodie goodie.But inside you are sad and lonely and a lot of times jealous of people.around you whp have what you long for,a relationship and thus your drunken outbursts.
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:42): :)
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:49):
I've been watching waaay to many shows like that: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmEwuj6t0eM
People are soo fake in there and suck drama queens .! :D I sooo love shows like that and I'm pretty sure somewhere in my subconscious I may-be wanna be like them .! :S
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:50):
Ma vaatasin seda sarja eile kella viieni hommikul ja ma lihtsalt ei saanud peatuma, sest see oli lihtsalt liiiiiiiga hea .! :D
Ma ei jõudnud kooligi selle pärast .! xD
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:51):
The drama drama drama is like air to me .! xD
PJlicious ütleb (16:55):
At the end of the day it is pointless though.
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:56):
Yea... That's true .! :)
But for the moment when I'm watching it... It's everything .! :D
PJlicious ütleb (16:57):
And it is not REAL life.Alati kui loed kuulutusi kutid tahavad "down to earth guy".
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:57):
I am down to earth .! :D
When I'm not watching those kind of shows .! :P
PJlicious ütleb (16:58):
Yeah and as long as you keep yourself in that screen you do not have to deal with reality.
Rommy™ [Tööl] | Babysteps .! ütleb (16:58):
Correct .! :D
Plus I found another cool quote from Meredith:
"When we say things like "people don't change" it drives scientist crazy because change is literally the only constant in all of science. Energy. Matter. It's always changing, morphing, merging, growing, dying. It's the way people try not to change that's unnatural. The way we cling to what things were instead of letting things be what they are. The way we cling to old memories instead of forming new ones. The way we insist on believing despite every scientific indication that anything in this lifetime is permanent. Change is constant. How we experience change that's up to us. It can feel like death or it can feel like a second chance at life. If we open our fingers, loosen our grips, go with it, it can feel like pure adrenaline. Like at any moment we can have another chance at life. Like at any moment, we can be born all over again."
Poole tunni pärast lähen ma koju ja üritan olla natukene teistsugune . Rõhk sõnal ÜRITAN .! Ma ei taha olla keegi teine, vaid lihtsalt üritan ennast veidi koomale tõmmata .! :) May-be if I keep my big mouth shut more than usually, then may-be I could be a better person, a better friend .! :) And not so evil and sarcastic all the time .! :P
Let's see .! :)
Natasha Bedingfield - Strip Me
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